Friday, May 11, 2012

Kavan Smith was thinking of me!

I thought this deserved special note for a Fanny Friday post. I am a huge fan of Kavan Smith and have been since I first saw his portrayal of Major Evan Lorne in Stargate Atlantis. Unfortunately, I have never been able to afford to go see him at any of the cons he's attended. From all I've heard, he's not only a very down-to-earth man, but also a bit of a naughty boy. Sounds like we'd get along great!

An online friend of mine has met him many times and has become comfortable chatting with him. Recently, she went to see him in Vancouver. She talked to him about me--about how much of a fan I am and my inability to come see him--and this was the result:

I never asked her to get me anything and was completely bowled over to receive this in the mail from her. The fangirl in me squeed like a teenager when I opened the package. :) Mind, hubby's got his nose a bit out of joint over it, but he'll be fine. LOL

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