Sunday, October 21, 2012

Changed Look

My blog needed to change its look a bit. No worries--it's still me! I just wanted to "decorate" as it were. I thought something darker for this time of year might be nice. And I really like the world map in the background, since I'm writing a historical for my NaNo project this year. Anyway, carry on!


Unknown said...

Great new look Lynne!

Lynne Kensington said...

Aww, thanks Alicia! We all need to change things up sometimes, don't you think?

Chris Olesen said...

Looks great, love the colors. And lots of links to follow. Easy to navigate.

Chris Olesen said...

P.S. You might want to set your links to other sites to open a new page when clicked. That way it's easier for people to go back to your page.

Lynne Kensington said...

Hi Christy! Thanks for the input. Don't suppose you know how to do that, do you? I'd rather have the links open in a new tab, too.

Anonymous said...

Very lovely, Lynne!

Lynne Kensington said...

Thanks, Mae! Sorry I've been MIA lately. I'm in sales and we're gearing up for our busy season, plus the (previously ignored) taxes need doing so we can get to the tax man ASAP next year.