I was born into a mixed religion family. My father
had been raised Methodist, my mother Protestant, so I was primed for religious open-mindedness
right away. This is not to say that those who were born to parents who shared a
religion are not; just stating my background and what it means to me.
As a young girl in New Hampshire, I attended Sunday
school every week at the local Protestant church. I heard all the stories, I sang
all the songs, I held the candles at Christmas and ate the “body of Christ” and
drank the “blood of Christ” at Easter. Those are lovely images for young,
imaginative children, by the way. o_O
When we moved to North Carolina, we were unable,
surprisingly (not) to find a Protestant church anywhere. There were churches
all over the place, but my mother, a good New England Protestant, would never
consider stepping foot inside a Baptist church without her being invited by a
friend or relative. It just wasn’t in her nature to seek the new, the
different. My father in those days was working a lot and so he really didn’t
pay much attention. My religious education began to slip.
Less than two years later, we moved back to New
England, to Connecticut, but by then the habit of not attending had been
established. We became the type of attendees that many people sneer at—the holiday
church-goers. We attended every Easter and Christmas—religiously, if you’ll
pardon the pun. When I began working at the age of 15, Sundays became a
necessary work day since most restaurants require you to work on Sundays or at
least be available. When I turned 16 and began waitressing, the lure of the
almighty dollar was too strong for me to resist and I volunteered to work every
Sunday. My week-ends, starting on Friday night and continuing through Sunday
night, were when I made the most tips.
In college, I learned about other religions and
began to explore. I dabbled in Buddhism and New Age religions, mixing a little of this
with a little of that until I had an unrecognizable form as my religion. I
studied astral projection and past life regression and witchcraft. I dabbled in
spells (only white, never dark). I realized that there was more out there than
just what we could see when I encountered spirits and, once even, a demon. At one point, I almost became a Catholic, because the boy I was seeing was Catholic and
his parents would not allow us to marry unless I was Catholic. He caved to
parental pressure and I stopped my studies when we broke up.
These days, I call myself a Christian Wiccan. I
believe some tenets of Christianity—that there is a higher power and it is a
good and benevolent power, but expects us to treat our fellow humans a certain
way. I also believe as Wiccans do, mainly their first “law”—“And it harm none.”
Recently, I have had my eyes opened once more by a woman who posted that she
was a Witch, not a Wiccan. Silly, lightly informed me had thought they were one
and the same. It turns out, I am both and neither, with more leaning toward Witch
than Wiccan. I do not wait for certain times of the year/moon cycle to cast
spells. I do not work from a spell-book. I do not have a Wiccan name. I would
love the sense of community that a Wiccan coven would bring, but honestly, I am
a solitary person and I find that a lot of times, when you get more than a few
women into an organized group, things can go to Hell in a hand-basket rather
quickly. Add a few men, and I’m not sure it would be any better.
So, to sum up, I believe in a higher power—call it
God, the Goddess, whatever you like. I believe that power to be benevolent. I
believe that if we are kind to each other and honest and trustworthy, we are
not going to spend eternity in some fiery pit. Neither of my boys is baptized,
because we were not able to bring them to a church of our choice when they were babies,
but I don’t believe this will have them roaming around in the “in-between” after
their deaths if they are good people in their lives. One thing the Witch’s
article taught me is that I still don’t know what I think I know, and that’s a
good thing. I prefer to be balancing on one leg than standing confidently on
two when it comes to certain things; I don’t want to feel so sure of myself that I become obnoxious. This is not to say that everyone who is confident of their religion is obnoxious, but I might be if I were—I have that tendency. Plus,
there’s something to be said for constantly learning, constantly opening your
mind and spirit to new (positive) ideas.
What about you? What are your religious views? How
did you come by them? Do you think everyone should believe as you do or do you follow more of a "and it harm none" sort of philosophy?
I had no church experience until I was in the 8th grade and was taken by my science teacher and his family. We moved shortly thereafter and it wasn't until a couple of decades later that I really was impacted by formal religion. My husband wanted to start attending church. So we found a local, non-denominational church and went. I enjoyed the sense of community and volunteering. And I made friends.
When we moved to Texas, we didn't go to church right away which was probably a mistake, but eventually we found one. I went, made friends, volunteered, the whole bit. But the church got too big and began asking too much of the few volunteers it had instead of insisting that everyone find a place to serve as it used to do. I finally got fed up and quit. Aside from my daughter, who still goes to that church, I don't communicate with anyone anymore.
As for what I believe, I do believe in God and I believe what the Bible says. And I rarely take the Lord's name in vain. But I don't walk the walk and I don't talk the talk.
Hiya, Jen! Sorry, thought I responded to this--guess I've been busy. Or something.
At any rate, I appreciate the feedback. I love when my friends stop by to comment on my posts. :) There is a nice sense of community when you attend church; I do miss that.
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